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jots (editor)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today vs. Tomorrow

Have you ever wondered why they came up with the phrase "don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today"? Well this statement has continued to be on my mind, and I believe this comment should be applied to sports, and more than anything in life.

I hate when people say that they have a team for the future because the facts are plain: tomorrow isn't promised so why can't I be great today? The answer is simple "I CAN!" I will never allow a coach to get on TV or radio and say our team is re-building because, whenever you compete you should compete to win. I don't want your excuse that we will have success in the future. If I tell my employer that I am re-building my focus at work, he would point me to the nearest McDonald’s. Coaches, GM's and team presidents: beware the next time you do an interview and decide to make that classic excuse about our team. I want you to take that excuse and shove it up your ass.

Oh, before I go, if the Rockets would have taken care of business they wouldn't be in the position where they have to win tonight. Please pass this blog on to everyone who feels they can make it happen tomorrow, because like it or not we live for today and not for tomorrow.



  1. Im sorry to you Boostonians but the Rockets are done, if they would have taken care of business like WINNING TEAMS do, then the lion is right, they would not be in this position. So to all the Clutch City fans out there, another year another missed chance of getting out of the first round. Let me be the first to coin it "CHOKE CITY"!


  2. How's that foot taste TFAG?
