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jots (editor)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Staffords and drafts and money, oh my!

First of all, I want to thank everyone for speaking out about Stacy McGravy: whether it was good, bad or just plain ridiculous. It's great to read what you have to say. Keep it up!

Now, for today's topic: Matthew Stafford. It is a far gone conclusion that Matthew Stafford will be the first player taken in tomorrow's draft. Matthew, I truly hope you have a successful career in the NFL, but let’s keep it real - there is no reason for Stafford to make more or equal to the proven quarterbacks in the league. MS hasn't thrown a single NFL pass and yet he is about to become one of the richest quarterbacks in the history of the game. What the hell are they smoking and where can I get some LOL! I don't know when, hopefully very soon, the NFL will get a clue and implement a rookie salary cap. Trust that I’m not mad at the players for getting that cheddar. My problem is that proven players losing their jobs because a team has to take on the responsibility of their newest draft pick. I don't really understand how all of the numbers work when contracts for rookies are being divvied out, but I do know that Stafford should not be making more money than Donavan McNabb.

The draft numbers are the most important numbers in the world because if your name gets called within the first 31 picks, you're guaranteed a contract (even if you suck). I can't believe this sport, that I would lay my life down for (EXTREME FAN), would be so stupid to give away money to players who will not deserve it until a year or two later down the line.

So MS you should get on your knees and thank god that the NFPLA still haven't seen the light on how they should go about taking care of all of their players - not just the rookies and superstars: they should take care of all. Like it or not, if we continue on the pace that we are on, in five years the first player taken will probably get a contract that has about 100million guaranteed. If we don't get a handle of this, one player might be worth more than the franchise. (WHO DO YOU THINK WILL BE MAKING THE DECISIONS?)


unrelated, but amazing

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